15 thoughts on “Excuse me my dear”

  1. Love this, dear David,
    These Buddha statues absolutely fascinate me. You’ve chosen the perfect words. I will see what I can come up with on these theme, as mentioned in your email to me. With love, Ellie Xox xox

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    1. Thank you, Ellie.
      I’m looking forward to seeing your response to these sculptures. I will take some other photos to send to you – if the weather isn’t too foul tomorrow.
      With love

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      1. It might take me a while, but I’d love to have a go. I have my son here all day today, working from home, so I doubt it will be today. I’d love to see more photos, as I do with all your photos.

        Sorry, it sounds like you’ve got lousy weather. We still haven’t had any summer with the average temperatures being about 14C – 17C! Today is sunny, but chilly and we’re expecting thunderstorms this afternoon! I’m meant to be going out at that time, too, but can’t risk being out in Alfie, as he is metal, which makes me a prime target for the lightning. I know I wrote about a lightning strike to a chimney in my last post, but as I’m not made of bricks, I would be a fried human on the spot! I’m not enamoured by that idea, so probably won’t be going anywhere.

        I’m really hoping the weather picks up by the weekend of the 21st – 23rd of June when I go away on my retreat. I will take photos and write about it when I return. I’m so looking forward to a peacful, calm break. With love, Ellie Xox xox

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      2. Yes, they are here, David. It’s been chaos and it’s only Friday, barely evening. My little one, 9, has gone off to scout camp for a couple of days, so will probably come back with a big bagful of muddy everything! I will miss him, but it does mean that I’ll have some quality time with my granddaughter, 11. My son was here all day today, rather than going to a local hotel to work from their restaurant, as he usually does. He was on business calls or calls to his fiancee most of the time, so I got no blog reading or writing done at all. I’m supposed to be writing a happy piece for my course, based on the phrase ‘You could have knocked me down with a feather.’ I haven’t got a clue at the moment. I’ve got to have it in to the tutor by Sunday night or Monday morning latest. Mmm …
        With love,
        Ellie Xox xox

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      3. It sounds very busy. Can you slip away to the coffee shop to tap out the outline of a story on your phone? Probably not; but it must be tempting.
        With love

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  2. That sounds extremely tempting, my friend, but probably not, as you say. At least I have today to myself, so I’m hoping to get some writing done. I still haven’t got a clue what to write my piece about the ‘feather’ quote, though. I’m completely stumped.
    With my love,
    Ellie Xox xox ☕☕

    A coffee for me and a coffee for you, hence two cups. Xox

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    1. Ah, ha! Geronimo! Having written in my comment, ‘I’m stumped’, something appropriate came to mind from the word ‘stumped.’ That can be written for my coursework, and I’ll share it on my blog if it comes out okay. Watch this space …
      With love.
      Ellie Xox xox

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