For my lovely wife, Zsor-zsor

full moon and full life
let the sunrise wake you love
from haemorrhagic dreams

Bad news – my lovely wife, Zsor-zsor, had a haemorrhagic stroke when we were out on Friday night.  This picture looking South at the daytime full moon through the Springvale pedestrian crossing bridge is dedicated to her in the hope that she will rouse her self enough to glance at the morning sun and that it will help ease and heal her injured brain.  It’s a view she saw each day when we walked the bridge for morning exercise.

I’m not sure what posting I might do in the coming days, weeks or perhaps months whilst tears cloud my vision.

Steps on love’s path

buddha emerges
after wandering love’s path
retraces more steps

This row of bronze Buddhas progressively emerge from the ground.  First there is a bust set at ground level, then a torso and eventually a full standing statue. Or could it be that the full standing one is the first statue in a series of statues that depict a return to the ground, to nature or a return to our essence?
Anyway, I’m quite taken by this arrangement of five Buddha statues.


murray river flows
rippling broadly as a smile
whilst snagging toes

Beware of snags

An even more sombre third line might be ‘whilst taking souls’.  For example, of thousands of US and Australian airmen trained to be paratroopers, or to fly B24 Liberators etc. in WWII, there were more casualties from swimming in the Murray than from flying, firearms training or parachuting accidents. Beware of snags indeed.