Tag Archives: Spring

The ladybird moment

ladybird takes arm
hitches a ride to cross street
makes pretty road trip

The Australian Ladybird (Illeis galbula) lives on trees and shrubs, whether in the bush or a suburban garden. Adults and larvae feed on Oidium fungus, aphids, black mould and pollen. This exemplar seemed intent on visiting the Library at Inverloch, Vic Au.

A promise of joy

mmm jacaranda
mere thought of you buoys spirits*
blooms bring blessing of joy

* Jacarandas bloom in Sydney around the end of October but they likely will not bloom until December in Melbourne.

Update: Blossoming in suburban Springvale second week of November – but only the sunny side of the tree as yet.

Jacaranda mimosifolia seeds, probably imported from Argentina, were first planted in Australia in Brisbane around 1864. The trees have become treasured nationals.